Power Hour

Join us for live, virtual sessions cultivating valuable knowledge, practical tools, and inspiration to work within your strength, foster a positive work culture, and master your stress. Check out our offerings and register today!

Pursuing a Life Well-Lived

When: July 17th 11:30-12:30 CST

Session Overview: In our enriching session on “Pursuing a Life Well-Lived: Gallup Strengths and Well-Being,” we delve into the comprehensive aspects of well-being that significantly influence our life satisfaction and daily experiences. Grounded in the extensive research by Gallup, this training highlights the profound impact of high well-being on professional stability, health outcomes, and overall life satisfaction. Participants will explore the synergy between their unique Strengths and their overall well-being, uncovering personalized pathways to enhance their quality of life. Through a blend of insightful data, reflective assessments, and practical strategies, this session offers a roadmap to not only envision but actively pursue a life characterized by fulfillment, health, and happiness.

Connecting the Dots: The Role of Purpose and Values in Stress Management

When: August 21st 11:30-12:30 CST

Session Overview: This session delves into how a clear understanding of one’s personal and professional values and purpose can serve as a compass for decision-making, reducing stress and increasing fulfillment. It emphasizes the importance of aligning daily activities and decisions with these core values to cultivate a sense of meaning and satisfaction in both work and life. By exploring the disconnects between one’s current state and their ideal value-aligned life, participants are encouraged to identify and make mindful adjustments. This process not only mitigates stress but also enhances personal and professional growth by fostering a life lived in accordance with one’s true self and aspirations.