Contract Terminations

Lakeland Care’s philosophy is to maintain a diverse, quality network of providers to meet the need of our members. Equally, we believe providers should advocate on behalf of the members in tandem with our IDT staff.

Providers will not be terminated from the Lakeland Care network for any of the following reasons:

  • Advocating on behalf of the member
  • Filing a complaint against Lakeland Care
  • Appealing a decision of Lakeland Care
  • Requesting a review of or challenging a termination decision of Lakeland Care.

Providers may be terminated from the Lakeland Care network for the following reasons, including, but not limited to:

  • Failure to submit materials for re-credentialing within required timeframes
  • Suspension, loss or other actions on licensure
  • Quality of care or member health and safety concerns
  • Provider-initiated termination
  • Failure to meet Lakeland Care’s provider contract criteria
  • No current business need within the provider’s geographic area, subject to applicable state and federal law.

For more information on any of the items above please refer to your Lakeland Care provider contract or the Lakeland Care Provider Handbook.